Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Recipe: Bruschetta Pasta

Bruschetta Pasta
1 box whole wheat pasta
4-5 ripe tomatoes
2 large bunches of fresh basil
1 small onion, chopped
white pepper
Cook the pasta according to box directions. In the meantime, Chop the tomatoes and the basil. Add the onion and salt and pepper. I tossed around the idea of sauteeing the onions first but in the end decided to keep them raw. Add to the pasta and serve at room temperature. Mangia!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Recipe (kind of): Fakin' Bacon
Gian figured out a fantastic new way to cook Smart Bacon. It makes the slices significantly less healthy, but man-oh-man they taste like real crispy bacon! Here's his secret: he fries them in a pan with a thin layer of oil covering the bottom of the pan. He cooks them for about 3 minutes per side on high heat. They come out really crispy! They don't taste oily or anything.

My mother-in-law is awesome

I feel bad sometimes because we're all vegan and she's not. She also is very traditional in her cooking (she imports lentils, steaks, and herbs from Italy) but she does a bang-up job veganizing her favorite recipes for us! Sometimes though I wonder if she feels like we're missing out on something because we're not eating things in a traditional way...I don't feel like we're missing out, she always cooks us amazing meals.
Friday, August 25, 2006
George and Buster
Our friends Gemella and Jim stopped over the other day and brought a puppy they were dogsitting, Buster, with them. Buster is a Beagle (I think). Good Girl wasn't too interested in playing with Buster, but George loved him!
They chased each other around the Dining Room...

And into the kitchen...

It looks like George is going to eat Buster, but he was very gentle!

Into the kitchen again...

George likes to sit at the kitchen table so that he can beg for food - Buster just liked to climb on Goerge. He was too little to understand all that he could gain from the kitchen!

After many cords, wires, computers, and hours, my computer is fixed (thanks, Gian). I still have to reload my documents and folders that I backed up, but I can't do that until I find my Mac Office disks...
I had 51 pictues on my camera that I just uploaded. Crazy!
(Oh yeah, notice my snack of $8.00 organic grapes - I didn't realize how expensive they were until I left the store and looked at the receipt - and my new copy of Vegan with a Vengence!)
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Product Review: Silk

I'm a big fan of Silk. I like the flavor of their soymilk. I felt like Silk was my savior - as a new vegan I only drank Vanilla Edensoy and throught I'd have to live the rest of my life without creamy drinks, smoothies, milkshakes, or cereal (lets face it, Edensoy isn't that great by itself). I've had other brands since then (SunSoy Chocolate is pretty good but too hard to find) but Silk remains my favorite.

Talking about Silk gets me excited for the Holidays when Silk Nog will be available. I've been known to buy cases of it and stock my fridge so it's available to me well into February. Yumm!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Product Review: Method Home

Method products are awesome. They come in cool packages, they're environmentally sound, animal-free, and best of all they work really well. We use so many of their products, dish soap, hand soap, bathroom wipes, toilet cleaner, shower cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, wood floor cleaner, etc. This is some of their idealogy from their website:
"Adam realized that he could use his expertise to create naturally-derived, biodegradable formulas for the beautiful products Eric had in mind. And method was born. The goal was to evolve the household cleaner from a toxic object that hid under the sink to an all-natural, biodegradable, and stylish counter-top accessory."
I think they succeeded!
Sunday, August 13, 2006

As Seen On TV

The Vidalia Chop Wizard is a info-mercial product that caught my eye. It's a chopper with a storage container built in. I hate chopping veggies so this appealed to me. Of course, I won't actually buy it until it's on the discount shelf at Boscovs or until I find it at a garage sale, but I'm certainly intrigued.

Saturday, August 12, 2006
Snakes on a Plane

Snakes on a Plane is a new Samuel L. Jackson movie about *drum roll* snakes on a plane. It's kind of satirical, playing up the ridiculous over the top acting of some of Samuel L. Jackson's previous rolls. He seems to love the project and in the many interviews for the film, he hams it up about the somewhat pointlessness of the movie.
The movie came about via fan websites requesting an over the top flick with Jackson swearing as much as possible. The studios ate it up and the film became a reality. There are also a plethora of fansites regarding the movie and tons of fan-made merchandise (all of which Jackson says he has purchased).
Anyway, the best part of this movie (so far) is this feature:
You can send a free personalized message from Samuel L. Jackson to anyone you want telling them about the movie. It's hysterical. You can send one from the Snakes on a Plane Website.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Product Review: Yuppie Juice

Saturday, August 05, 2006
"Hi, Principal Skinner" "Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers"

So I started my new job. It's great, but I've been working until about 7 every night which leaves little time for cooking, eating out, or posting!
It's been a long time since I needed to explain my Veganism to anyone. At this point in my life everyone I'm around knows I'm Vegan, knows I don't joke about it, and knows what I eat. Well, starting a new job started the education process all over again.
Unrelated to food issues, everyone at my new job is phenomenal. They are so helpful and really, really friendly. Everyone jokes around all the time and really makes an effort to make work fun. And the coolest part is that as I meet more and more people I realize that I've actually worked with a number of them before in other positions that I've had over the years- it's such a small world!
Oh, and I have a secretary that opens my mail for me! So bizarre!!!