Thursday, August 17, 2006
About Me
- Name: jenny
I like Sci-Fi, independent music, bike riding, old-school video games, and vegan treats. I love animals and have been vegan for over ten years. I have two dogs (omnivores) and a husband (herbivore). I love to cook and to eat out. I have a master's degree in administration and work in a public school.

Previous Posts
- Product Review: Method Home
- Achoo!
- As Seen On TV
- VegNews Annual Veggie Awards
- Snakes on a Plane
- The Flu
- Product Review: Yuppie Juice
- "Hi, Principal Skinner" "Hi, Super Nintendo Chalm...
- Peanut Butter Cup Double Fudge Brownie Tiers
- CNN Article: "Vegan Diet Reverses Diabetes Symptoms"

Nice camera, Jenny.
August 22, 2006 12:40 AM
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