Wednesday, August 09, 2006
About Me
- Name: jenny
I like Sci-Fi, independent music, bike riding, old-school video games, and vegan treats. I love animals and have been vegan for over ten years. I have two dogs (omnivores) and a husband (herbivore). I love to cook and to eat out. I have a master's degree in administration and work in a public school.

Previous Posts
- Product Review: Yuppie Juice
- "Hi, Principal Skinner" "Hi, Super Nintendo Chalm...
- Peanut Butter Cup Double Fudge Brownie Tiers
- CNN Article: "Vegan Diet Reverses Diabetes Symptoms"
- Stack 'em High, Tough Guy
- Burgers to go with the Salad!
- Recipe: Potato Salad
- Welcome to Vegan Treats
- Restaurant Review: Red Bamboo (Appetizers)
- Grown-Up Ramen Picture!

5 years sickness free. I'm impressed. I'm always having computer problems. It drives me nuts cause neither me or my boyfriend are particularly computer savy, so then we always have to seek outside help.
August 10, 2006 5:08 AM
computer problems suck.
i hope it feels better. love never hurt antyhing...give it a hugh...
August 10, 2006 1:45 PM
August 13, 2006 12:15 AM
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