Friday, September 01, 2006
About Me
- Name: jenny
I like Sci-Fi, independent music, bike riding, old-school video games, and vegan treats. I love animals and have been vegan for over ten years. I have two dogs (omnivores) and a husband (herbivore). I love to cook and to eat out. I have a master's degree in administration and work in a public school.

Previous Posts
- Green Beans for Dinner!
- Recipe: Bruschetta Pasta
- Recipe (kind of): Fakin' Bacon
- My mother-in-law is awesome
- George and Buster
- Fixed!
- Product Review: Silk
- So Many Pictures
- Product Review: Method Home
- Achoo!

This is one of the lesser-known commandments, i'm sure:
"Thou shalt not covet thy blogger friend's purse."
Well, i'm sorry, Jenny, but that's one fantastic pleater purse! And at Marshall's so it must have been a good buy. YAY!
What book're ya readin' there? I'm in the middle of "Marley & Me."
September 02, 2006 12:15 AM
nice purse girl!
September 02, 2006 8:47 AM
What a great looking bag- very nice! My friend just got a Matt and Nat bag for her birthday and I am very jealous...
September 02, 2006 4:29 PM
Karen- I LOVE Matt&Nat I have a pink M&N bag that I use when I don't need to carry so much!
Kleo-I'm reading the newest Monk book (so cheesy but so entertaining!) My mom gave me Marley & Me a while back, and even paperclipped together the chapters taht are sad, but I just couldn't read it - my mom said that Marley reminded her so much of my George that she cried a few times...I am scared it'll make me cry so I haven't read it yet. I love that it made it so high on the bestseller list though!
September 02, 2006 9:06 PM
Awwww... *hugs Jenny*
I totally understand your trepidation about "M & Me"...
Hope i didn't make you sad about George. I would love to hear more about George someday...
September 02, 2006 10:54 PM
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