This blog is about living Vegan. It includes Vegan lifestyle, Vegan events, and anything else I find interesting.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


This is a photo from the last bout of flooding here in April of 2005. The river rose 32+ feet.

Here's a picture from this morning. The bridge is normally about 40 feet above the river.

The water is at 34+ feet and is expected to crest above 38 feet. 38 feet is like the magic number, once the river reaches 38 feet, it spills into the town itself. Right now it's only flooding those areas directly around the river. It's ridiculous.

This is the fourth major flood since September of 2004. Before 2004, the highest recorded flood was in 1955 at 38.85 feet. Before that, nothing really comes close. In 2004 and in 2005, they referred to the flooding as the "100-year flood" implying that the magnitude of flooding experienced during those storms was so rare it would only occur every 100 years. I think they forgot to factor in global warming and exponentially expanding developments into the equation.

In August, 1955 the river reached 38.85 feet.
In September, 2004 the river reached 30.95 feet.
In April, 2005 the river reached 32.75 feet.
On October, 9, 2005 the river reached 17.26 feet.

I almost forgot the best part - the water treatment plant in our town is only a few hundred yards from the river and every time the river floods we can't use our water for a few days until they clean it all out. Yuck.


Blogger Amanda said...

It's flooding like crazy around here as well. Luckily we live far enough from the river that it doesn't really effect us, but this morning we drove by what's usually a little creek and it was at least 5x as wide as usual and the water almost reached the road. It's nuts. My mom lives right near the river, like literally less than a quarter of a mile, and last time it flooded like this the main street of the town flooded and no one could get in or out. Everyone has to boil their water. It's pretty scary.

June 28, 2006 3:41 PM

Blogger jenny said...

It's definitely scary.

June 28, 2006 7:33 PM

Blogger KleoPatra said...

Floods are no fun. That's one thing i don't miss about living in Illinois... our basement floods. I'm sorry about this for you, Jenny...

June 28, 2006 8:48 PM

Blogger roy barclay said...

My mom lives right on 611 in a new house that her new husband just built. They had to be evacuated, and probably won't be able to live in the house again until September.

June 28, 2006 9:22 PM

Blogger jenny said...

Oh man, Klint - that is terrible! My parents live out that way too, but somehow this flooding completely missed them.
I hope that your mom's okay.

June 29, 2006 12:20 AM


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