This blog is about living Vegan. It includes Vegan lifestyle, Vegan events, and anything else I find interesting.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Our Posh Pad

I've been complaining that our living room is unused and not very welcoming for a while now. In an attempt to warm it up, Gian and a friend re-wired the outlets and hung the TV (that used to be relegated to the third floor for video gaming) up on the wall. All of the wires are hidden and the components (DVD, X-Box, Cable Box, etc) are all hidden around the corner behind a wall. So tricky!

We've certainly been hanging out there much more, but now I think we need to get a new, more comfortably couch.

Things to notice in the background:
Lower right corner the hole in the wall that George chewed the first day he lived with us
Under the table My record boxes, Gian's records are upstairs (he has slightly more records than me!)
On the table An orhcid my mother-in-law got us for our anniversary - it's still alive after a few months, my fingers remain crossed! An aloe plant my grandmother gave me.
On the TV CNN? I don't think we ever watch CNN, we're NPR folk. We usually watch the History Channel downstairs.
Coming from the TV... No wires!!


Blogger Harmonia said...

Great pic! I'm a CNN fan...also like History Channel but have been getting more and more into TLC as well.

Happy Wednesday!

September 06, 2006 9:10 AM

Blogger jenny said...

I did just re-decorate our bedroom, maybe I'll post some pics of that too!

September 10, 2006 11:04 AM


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