This blog is about living Vegan. It includes Vegan lifestyle, Vegan events, and anything else I find interesting.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Try-It-Out Tuesdays: Doctor Kracker

I've been getting a lot of samples for vegan products, I'll review them each Tuesday for a new feature: Try-It-Out Tuesdays! Fun!

Today's sample: Doctor Kracker Seedlander Chips.

I know that there is extraneous packaging, but I would LOVE to be able to purchase Doctor Krackers in these cute snack containers at the supermarket. They're perfect for throwing into your purse for a quick snack. Despite their low calorie and fat content they're very filling!

Doctor Kracker's slogan is 'Seeds Are Not Just for the Birds' and I wholeheartedly concur!

These crackers are savory and flavorful with a light, crisp cracker topped with pumpkin, sesame, flax, and poppy seeds. The flavor is excellent, not overwhelming. I paired these with fresh tomato slices and hummus - both pairings were perfect.

Have a product you'd like me to review? Send an email to for further details.


Blogger Matthew Ruscigno said...

Well, doctor Kracker definitely looks like a cracker.

August 20, 2008 3:35 PM

Blogger KleoPatra said...

Never mind Polly, *i* wanna Kracker!!


August 22, 2008 1:58 AM

Blogger Los Jacklos said...

SeedLander... " There can be only one"!

August 22, 2008 3:35 PM


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