This blog is about living Vegan. It includes Vegan lifestyle, Vegan events, and anything else I find interesting.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bike Socks

My friend Matt is awesome. He does amazing things like ride his bike to Belize. He has taken other unbelievable trips as well and they're all documented on his blog.

What isn't documented is his propensity toward wearing the same socks for days (weeks?) at a time while on his crazy adventures, leading his friends to joke about the ability to make disgusting tea with his socks.

The joke actually came about after sampling some not-so-great 'Crouching Tiger' tea at a holiday potluck at which time Dave exclaimed, "This tea tastes like it was made from Matt's socks!" And so a legend was born.

Anyway, Matt immortalized the joke on a pair of bike socks and sent Gian and I each a pair.

Awesomely hilarious.

Check out his site and his charity work involving biking insanely long distances in extreme heat here: Swarm.


Blogger KleoPatra said...

Matt's blog is very cool. One of the cooler Los Angelenos of the world, i can see. Good stuff there. And that sock (those socks) - hilarious!

July 15, 2007 10:15 PM


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