This blog is about living Vegan. It includes Vegan lifestyle, Vegan events, and anything else I find interesting.

Monday, October 06, 2008

My Porch

I love my porch, I'm sad that it'll have to be dismantled soon as the weather gets colder :(


Blogger allularpunk said...

what a lovely little porch! i especially like the floor and your plants.

October 07, 2008 1:24 PM

Blogger Bethany said...

Sitting on the porch can be so much fun. Plants make it even nicer.

October 08, 2008 6:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mother always made pretzels like these in Valentin's day and it's so wear because my father always goes to buy the cheap viagra I think it produces a subliminal effect in my dad.

August 12, 2010 11:42 AM


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