This blog is about living Vegan. It includes Vegan lifestyle, Vegan events, and anything else I find interesting.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Fruit "Salad"

I've been taking fruit/veggie salads with me to munch on at work. I cut up a gala apple, sprinkle with lime juice to keep from browning, top with red seedless grapes and baby carrots. It's the perfect amount and just the right sweetness to satisfy my mid-morning munchies.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Recipe: Popeye Suprise

I don't really know what to call this dish. It's ridiculously simple yet VERY flavorful and filling. It's also very low in calories and virtually fat-free. The perfect food so to speak!

Popeye Suprise

2 cans black-eyed peas* (or 1/2 lb bag of dried beans, reconstituted)
1 9 oz bag organic spinach, slightly chopped (like each leaf cut in half)
1 cup double strength vegetable broth
1 small red onion
2 tsp salt
1/2 Tb EVOO

Chop red onion and lightly sautee in olive oil. Once the onions are just slightly browned, add vegetable broth and beans. Simmer for 3-5 minutes or until beans are hot. Add the spinach, cover, and simmer for another 3-5 minutes until spinach is wilted. Add salt, stir, and serve.

*I have found that some grocery stores only have black-eyed peas in cans and some only have them dry, it's a bit inconsistent, but you can use either version. If you have a pressure cooker the dried beans will only take about 25 minutes to rehydrate.

Bean Soup

I think I forgot to post a picture of the finished bean soup. It kinda looked like mud-soup, but it tasted very good!

I plopped a dollop of Sour Supreme on top to take it up a notch.